Thursday, 18 June 2020

"Loyalist" mob shame Scotland

Despite the small number of utterly bigoted morons who flouted their bilious attitude towards migrants in Glasgow, 99.99% of the population in Scotland want refugees and welcome them.

These "Bastions of Moral Rectitude" shame our country by their actions and for the life of me I can't understand what motivates them?

We can't blame the pandemic or indeed "Brexit" for their actions; neither of these scourges will have penetrated the minute pieces of grey matter purporting to be brain cells inside their skulls!

The only consolation is that there is a relatively small number of "Bampots" and their effect on any referendum on whether or not to stay in the U.K. is unlikely to influence the result if indeed any of them can spell "X" on a ballot paper !

The so called "Ringmaster" has let his clowns run riot !

Part of me is enjoying this debacle of a political circus in Westminster run by the archetypal clown posing as a Ringmaster. 

Simply put "Doris" is increasing support for Independence daily with his utter incompetence ! For that I'm eternally grateful.

Having said that I have family, relations and friends who are true, genuine Conservatives and I could weep for them as their party of choice is made a mockery of, by the least competent Prime Minister in the history of politics.

Underneath the buffoon is an assortment of alleged politicians who form the cabinet. Pretty (awful) Patel, Tony Hancock, Mick the Dick Gove, Dominus Raab, Bobby Jenrick, Jacob Rees-Mogg and a host of lesser known twerps, (with the possible exception of the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak being a bright spark in a dark room).  This group of alleged Ministers are actually in charge of this United Kingdom.

The events of the last week with "Black Lives Matter" and then "Slavery" taking centre stage, have further damaged the buffoons reputation.  

There has though been a spark of humanity, from of all people in the U.K. a professional footballer. This young man has shown a real conscience and empathy with those less fortunate than himself!

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Empire, Slavery and History

Events over the last fortnight have shown that Britain as well as America, have a history of maltreatment of those taken in captivity from their homes in predominantly West Africa! 

Slavery was rife in the formation of the glorious "Empire of the United Kingdom".  Three cities in the UK have profiteered largely on the back of slavery; Glasgow, Bristol and Liverpool.

Now on the back of the rightly condemned killing of George Floyd by a supposed keeper of law and order there is an almost unstoppable movement to restore some semblance of civil liberty for the African Americans all of whom are descendants of the original slaves!  

The question for me is; as a nation, the United Kingdom has always known about its role in the slave trade and the wealth that it created, so why have we turned a blind eye to that fact?

Our maritime expertise was what led Britain to turn 30% of the global map red even in my days at school with our geography classes, but it also was that expertise, that permitted the dominant role in slavery !

This disproportionate dominance meant that "Britannia" really did rule the waves in maritime expertise.

Now we have mob rule in the U.K. where they want to tear down every statue that represents the vestiges of that past steeped in slavery and part of me agrees with the desire!

Yet another part of me wants them kept but plaques put up to detail their involvement in this stain on the collective conscience of the British!

It is time that the history of the "Empire" was made clear and not the sanitised version that the victors get to spout.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Trawlermen must be as daft as their catch !

On the Scottish news tonight it was made clear that the muppets in the North East of Scotland fishing fleet (who've been hoovering the seas dry since time immemorial), actually believe that their fate is safe in the hands of Boris Johnson and his negotiating team for Brexit.

"Aye Boris, the wee thing there on your plate is a sprat not a prat, I'm the prat with the Union Jack baseball cap and a strip for a club that went tits up in 2012".

"Cast off astern Midshipman Carlaw, we'll set sail for London and leave these clowns to wallow in the shallows"

It never fails to amaze me that people who, by the very nature of their business, taking their vessels out to sea in sometimes appalling conditions, can't really be stupid are demonstrating such crass stupidity in believing that the Tory Party in London will actually stick up for them when push comes to shove in the Brexit negotiations ! 

As if fishing were remotely as important to "Doris" Johnson as access to the EU for financial dealings and banking!

Aye dry yer eyes out ya bunch of clowns !!

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Bojo's popularity on the wane?

Boris Johnson swept to power in 10 Downing Street with a massive majority only some 6 months or so ago !  His meteoric ascendency driven for the most part on his promise of Brexit or death in a ditch (on his part presumably).
His opponents like myself, a "Remainer" presumably not actually wishing him dead in a ditch, but more likely to be up to his neck in "Brekshit" within the said ditch.

Boris' Etonian sense of entitlement made him absolutely certain that he could remind those damn foreigners of our "Churchillian" sense of Empire and having seen off Johnny Foreigner in two World Wars there was no way they could withstand the might of the Empire !

Then just when it all seemed to be sweetness and light, with the Tory party even making gains into the Labour Heartland of the North of England and the Labour Party tearing itself to pieces over anti-semitism !!  Brexit was the mantra and although it was always risking the actual break up of the United Kingdom (?) and producing a United Ireland and an Independent Scotland, it was the one trick that the pony that was Bojo could perform.


Along comes a pandemic !

Early into the Coronavirus pandemic, Boris apparently indicated to the Italian P.M. Giuseppe Conte that he'd not be too upset with what is colloquially termed "Herd Immunity", though Downing Street deny this was ever policy !  It may not have been "policy" per se, but we can see that they are not denying that he said it !

Toss into the equation the Machiavellian tactics of his "Puppetmaster" Dominic Cummings with his own version of Specsavers eye testing by scooting around County Durham with or without Covid-19 allegedly and Boris having to put the dysfunctional bunch of nobodies he has for a Cabinet into the daily briefings and suddenly the wheels are metaphorically coming off the bus (the one that had £350 million EU savings per week).

The sum of all this chatter is that not only has Boris' popularity plummeted but that of the Tory party has taken a massive hit and it is just as well that there isn't another election till 2024. The unlikely benefactor of this shambles is Independence for Scotland !