Sunday, 24 January 2021

Ashgrove and Independence a political analogy !

All Scottish Unionists would have the Scots believe that continued membership in the United Kingdom is the "Nirvana" we ought to aspire to and that it is the only way to prosper ! 

This though shows that the only way to prosper in the UK is to be "in with the In-Crowd"  !  

To try and show what a glib and frankly shameless liar that is the Prime Minister at this time, when Editor of the Spectator Magazine; had this printed in a 2004 edition; Hardly the work of a fan of Scotland! 

I ask my English friends; How would you feel with Johnson subscribing to this piece of prose for the English as opposed to the Scots ??

The Scotch – what a verminous race!

Canny, pushy, chippy, they’re all over the place, 

Battening off us with false bonhomie, 

Polluting our stock, undermining our economy.

Down with sandy hair and knobbly knees!

Suppress the tartan dwarves and the Wee Frees!

Ban the kilt, the skean-dhu and the sporran

As provocatively, offensively foreign!

It’s time Hadrian’s Wall was refortified

To pen them in a ghetto on the other side.

I would go further. The nation

Deserves not merely isolation

But comprehensive extermination.

We must not flinch from a solution.

I await legal prosecution.

My own comparison preference would be to compare Bunty and I having bought the house of our dreams (Ashgrove) and now we work at the fine tuning of the dream house in terms of decoration, furniture, flooring and the garden. 

In other words our own "Nirvana" is a work in progress but that with judicious financial planning and careful use of our resources we will have the real free house of our dreams! 

Likewise Independence !  It is not going to materialise overnight and there may well be adjustments and financial outlay that we have to make in order to have the country of our dreams, but living in a form of rented accommodation where the landlord is an overbearing, lying, misogynistic, narcissistic, immoral cheat is not where I want to live in the winter of my life!

So it is with Scotland as a "Home" for the population (irrespective of where they originate from), it won't happen overnight, but it will be a place that ultimately those who live in it will be considerably happier than they are at present (even if it does cost a bit more in terms of tax!)

A final thought to any "Unionist" reading this;

If Scotland is such a financial drain on the UK Treasury as is alleged by Unionists and Westminster, why are they so desperate to keep Scotland in the Union and never say "Right off you go Scotland" rather they are constantly carping about the benefits of the now defunct Union !  Could it be anything to do with;

Then there's the question of Nuclear Submarines (Trident) and the redundant ones being held at Rosyth!

Furthermore; The UK government secretly planned to dump the radioactive hulks of 22 nuclear submarines in the sea off north west Scotland, documents released by the National Archives reveal.

A survey for the Ministry of Defence (MoD) in 1989 identified six sites for “seabed storage” of defunct naval submarines near the islands of Skye, Mull and Barra for up to 60 years – and probably longer.

Detailed and highly confidential MoD studies concluded the plan was “feasible” and would “obviate the international problems which we would face were we to dispose of these vessels in international waters.”

Well Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson that will be over my dead body !

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Rage does come anywhere near describing what I feel about the present United (?) Kingdom status !

 Here I am in the middle of a Pandemic with my own self inflicted disease (COPD) and I take that on the chin, because I brought it about myself with almost half a century of thinking I was "Jack the Lad" with cigarettes !

The rage is not from the Pandemic itself, but the ramifications of it, Covid-19 on our society and our puerile response to it as a society! 

Now at this point I need to make clear that I have some very good and close friends for whom total absolution is essential (to the rant I'm about to embark on) Richard Osler, Roger Strike and Allan Pook are three of the most  genuine guys you could wish to meet, ergo guys;

"Et ego te absolvo a peccatis tui "

Now you can carry on being Tories while I wallow in the warm water of separatism and the break up of the allegedly United (?) Kingdom.

The anger/rage is about the inequality of life in 21st century Britain and the fact that there are children for whom poverty is a way of life and whether it is the fault of individual parents or not is irrelevant! 

 These are fucking children for the love of God and to have obscenely wealthy companies decide to apparently profiteer from their plight is sending my blood pressure through the roof. This Government would have done the square root of naff all had it not been for a young footballer who has what they have not; a conscience !  

Marcus Rashford is a beacon of light in an extremely dark tunnel of capitalism and my admiration for him and his family grows daily ! Pressure from him and those members of society who do understand conscience, brought to attention of a cabinet of multi-millionaires, the plight of the many thousands of children who are falling out of the net of school meals during the Pandemic and eventually the cabinet decide to give them "food parcels" (not vouchers since that would eliminate a stratum of donors to the Tories from their ability to profit from misery).

Still it was supposed to mean that the children would be fed during the national lockdown so it was a step in the right direction !

Wrong ! 

What Chartwell perceive to be a balanced diet and nutritionally fair for a growing child is;

As an aside this, this morally defunct company (Compass) were found in 2013 to have "inadvertently" supplied horse meat to schools in Ireland and Northern Ireland and in 2006 were fined £40 Million for a bribery allegation in terms of a UN contract for peace-keepers in Liberia ! With this background in commercial catering they are just the sort of company that this Government would associate in terms of contract award !

Dearest Bunty has just been through to try and calm me down to a mere apoplectic rage!  

It's not working though as I truly want vent my anger physically on the people who are running this (dis) United Kingdom !

Children starving, suicides increasing, debt pushing people into extreme poverty, companies collapsing with attendant unemployment but the bastards in Westminster give themselves another £10,000 for having to work from home?  

Mea culpa Bunty, there is nothing I wouldn't give for you except the desire to truly batter every one of these complete arses into oblivion !

Saturday, 9 January 2021

Is this possibly the return of political sense ?

The apparent resurgence of political populism in the Western World with Trump, Johnson and Orban seems to have hit the buffers with the events in Washington's Capitol Hill in the last couple of days!


At this moment in time only the Arch Buffoon the US President, Donald J Trump seems to have come off worse, but the others who so readily spent the last 4 years kissing his ass and in the case of our own Prime Clown Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson actually going so far as to suggest that Trump should be awarded the Nobel Prize, will be wondering if it can happen to Trump what chance have they got?

On the global scale you also have other populist leaders in Bolsonaro, Modi and Duterte all of whom purport to be leading their people to their version of the promised land !

If Trump can be canned on the basis of the rambling politics he espoused, then these numpties must surely be having a second thought on their chosen path?