Tuesday, 30 July 2019

"Doris" Johnson "First-foots" Bute House and isn't at all welcome

Traditionally someone "first-footing" your house brings some gifts. Old Etonian Bojo obviously came bearing the square root of naff all. Oh wait a minute he implied there was some £300 million but that it was between Scotland, Wales and Ulster. Of course his predecessor Teresa the twat May already gave her cronies in Ulster £1 billion to hold her hand during her ill fated Prime Ministership. This puts his largesse in context and also the attitude of the Tories towards anything other than their home county benefactors.

His patronising of Scotland's First Minister went down like a bowl of cold vomit and he's obviously more at ease with the females of his acquaintance acquiescing to his needs and was firmly put in his place by Nicola Sturgeon when he tried to guide her into her own property. The "last one" through the door is carefully orchestrated to the leading figure. The First Minister up here holds more sway than the brand new interloper Doris and don't you forget it !

The whole visit to Scotland was another faux pas on the part of a political party that frankly is held in Scotland on par with the black death.

The final straw for this buffoon was his decision to leave by the back door in order to minimise his discomfort at being treated with such disdain!

Haste ye back ? I think not !!!

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