Saturday, 13 July 2019

"United" Kingdom my arse !!

It's fairly obvious that the so called United Kingdom is anything but united. Politically it is riven with strife and the principal parties offer nothing in terms of cohesion, unity of purpose or indeed an outlook with optimism.

The Tory party have to shoulder the most blame insofar that David Cameron lost his nerve with the rise (at that time) of UKIP and its then leader Nigel Farage! This is the very epitome of a "chancer"; he is every inch an opportunist who will do anything and everything to further his own ends.

Fast forward a couple of years under the management of the least effective woman in British politics Theresa May, who single handedly ran the Tory party into the ground by losing a vast majority in Westminster, by needlessly calling a general election in 2017 then had to bung the party of bigots, homophobes and political non-entities under the banner of the Democratic Unionist Party a Billion pounds to cling onto power with her wafer thin majority!

Despite the support of these bigots, she failed to produce the goods in terms of leaving the EU   (a promise made after the referendum to stay in or leave the EU; which was based on lies by a host of politicians) and promptly resigned. 

This left the government rudderless when the seas of politics were getting decidedly choppy. However a caped crusader was needed and the Tories went into a form of meltdown by having a clique of their ilk paired down to two. 

Now we have an election to be held by 0.2% of the population in the shape of Tory party membership, voting to effectively govern the country till the next General Election and their choice is between a Buffoon and a total Non-entity.


The choice is not yours but the minute cabal of Tory card carrying members !

Meantime the so called official opposition under the aegis of Jeremy Corbyn are in turmoil over allegations of anti-Semitism and are singularly failing in providing any opposition to their avowed enemies who are frankly on the ropes metaphorically, on the basis that they too could not organise a piss-up in a brewery.

This utter shambles does have a shaft of light for us north of Hadrian's Wall. The fragmentation of the former principal parties means that the disenchantment of the electorate gives the smaller parties room to expand and for us that means Independence !!

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