Thursday, 24 October 2019

The irony of Unionism breaking up the United Kingdom.

I've been so engrossed with the parliamentary shenanigans of the last wee while that I've not had the time or wherewithal to do a blog. The title says it all ! 

Is it the Tory Party or is it Nationalism ? Whatever the root cause, the terminal ailment will lead to the carcass of the "United Kingdom" rotting in the Palace of Westminster without a decent burial.

The rise of right wing populist politics in the U.K. is merely a small part of a global self centred attitude towards diminishing resources on the planet. Money no longer talks, it stands up on the table with a megaphone bellowing to all and sundry. If you're not oozing wealth out of every pore then tough shit plebeian ! 

It's very definitely  "I'm alright Jack, fuck you"

Cameron didn't think it through and was probably certain the xenophobes of Farage and UKIP etc; would never win when he decided to hold the referendum three years ago! This has come home to bite the Tories backside with the savagery of a hungry alligator.

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