Wednesday, 20 November 2019

No winner in the "Election Debate" except perhaps Nicola Sturgeon

The much heralded General Election "Leaders" debate between Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn turned out to be a bit of a non-event. Consensus shows that neither party leader scored a decisive victory, though it has to be said that the Tories did manage an extra time own goal with the exposing of their fake news account.

Arch clown Dominic Raab has claimed “no one gives a toss” about the fake Tory fact-checking service set up for the TV election debate, as the party faces calls for an official investigation.
The foreign secretary came under fire after the Conservative press office Twitter account – with more than 75,000 followers – changed its name to "factcheckUK", before pumping out support for Boris Johnson.
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While the "Dynamic Duo" were verbally fencing with plastic swords the rest of the political leaders were forced onto the television equivalent of the cartoon section. This will come back to bite their arses in no uncertain terms. 
Whatever your political persuasion, the beacon of light in this dingy, austerity ridden "United Kingdom" has been the ascension of Nicola Sturgeon!
To quote archetypal establishment lickspittle Piers Morgan;
"Without passing any judgement on the content of what she says,
is the most natural leader in British politics. So impressive in media interviews."

Praise from Caesar is praise indeed !  Though I have to say his opinion on our leader is; like him "irrelevant"

SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon on the campaign trail
My affinity with Nicola may stem from the fact that we were both born in Irvine Central Hospital though in Nicola's case it was some 24 years later than me, and not just the fact that in political terms she is an Everest in a mountain range of ant hills from Westminster. 

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