Friday, 21 February 2020

"Et super hanc petram aedificabo ecclesiam meam"

The name "Petra" comes from the Greek for rock. The title of the blog is in Latin and relates to the assertion that on Peter (the Rock) God would build his church.

There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever, that rock dominates the "Rose Red City" of Petra. This is one of the wonders of the world and since I first came here almost 30 years ago, the changes have been mind boggling. Not in the site of Petra itself, but obviously in the infrastructure and support for tourism.

Making your way down via the "Siq" which extends about 1 km from the entrance at the information and Information/Ticket office and down to the facade which everyone knows from "Indiana Jones", and varies in width from 6 mtrs to 22 mtrs and up to 200 ft deep; it can be shaded and brilliant sunlight and constantly busy with the traffic of both people and various forms of transport of the 4 legged variety.

The sight that greets you of "Al Khazneh" is breathtaking in extremity and even allowing for the numbers is still totally awesome. While we're both taking this in, I'm talking to a couple of Nigerians in Igbo (from my time there !) who now live in Canada and dearest darling Bunty has disappeared.

We eventually get back together beside the camels we'd thought to have taken a ride on, to find that my heroine had climbed up to a ledge some 200 ft up the cliff onto a ledge where an aged Bedouin was arranging carpets for intrepid tourists to sit and take pictures of the Treasury.

You have to admit that Bunty has courage or insanity ! 

In any event she has produced this picture and I'm ultimately so very, very proud of her for having got up there as a septuagenarian.

More to come;

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