Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Is this the death of capitalism ?

In the 21st century we can look back at various pandemics/plagues that occurred in the past and rail against whatever caused them. The fact remains though that this one is different in the sense that we have a clearer picture of the impact of this Covid-19 on a global scale and we also have telecommunications throughout society and indeed the globe to let us know what is happening throughout the globe instantaneously.

The map shows the spread but is already super-ceded by the daily numbers who are sadly dying !  The numbers world-wide who have tragically passed away are now in the hundreds of thousands. 

The point is though, what are we as a human race going to learn about ourselves? 
  • Covid-19 does not give a toss about how much money you have, you cannot see it, you cannot smell it nor does it trumpet its arrival.
  • All the worlds nuclear weapons, nuclear submarines, bombers etc; cannot destroy it.
  • It has no political affiliation and cares not a jot about whether you're a communist, capitalist, rich man, poor man or a beggar.
  • It has no religious persuasion and will settle on the lungs of an Atheist just as quickly as it will on a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist Jew, or Jehovah's Witness.
  • As a species, we need to think about what is truly important to us!
There are about 7.5 Billion human-beings on this planet and they all need to be fed, watered and kept as well as can be. 

So is it not time to cut the crap about having to have arms races, the destruction of natural resources and the scrabble for individual wealth ?

No one is worth more than the poorest among us so lets stop tax avoidance and prosecute those who do !

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