Tuesday, 14 July 2020

The shame of Iraq and the Western Alliance war on WMD

I watched with absolute horror last night as the documentary unfolded.

"Once upon a time in Iraq" is the very brutal truth about the disintegration of an entire country because of the greed of both Britain and the USA for oil. 

It is noticeable that the level of contracts to rebuild the oil infrastructure that the allies destroyed went to a company headed by Bush's cohorts and are we surprised?

The two "leaders" pictured above, ought to be charged with war crimes for the act of invading a country on the pretence of destroying so called "Weapons of Mass Destruction".  The reality of the invasion was the acquisition of the oilfields in Iraq.

The Allied version of justice is less civil than we are led to believe.

The idea of playing "Baseball" in a palace that is older than your country is verging on obscene and further damns the interference of the so called civilised west to countries and culture infinitely older and more civilised than that which spawns the players (?).

Watch the series on BBC2 but be prepared to be upset and frankly disgusted by a super power and it's gopher.

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