Tuesday, 18 August 2020

"Quisnam igitur liber" (Who then is free?)

In quoting the Roman poet Horace; "Who then is free"

Who indeed, is actually free in this United (?) Kingdom and the answer is most assuredly not the man or woman in the street nor indeed the countries within it!

"Freedom" is the ability to act or change without constraint.

If only we could indeed, act or change the politics of the Tory Party under the rule of Dominic Cummings and his glove puppet Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson.

The latest furore/manure to be catapulted into the fan is the educational catastrophe, which in fairness has hit all four nations under the collective "Butchers Apron". 

However, when the Scottish Government dealt with the dilemma of grades in the absence of actual exams due to the Pandemic in the first instance, there was the predictable backlash from Tory and indeed Labour sources, trying vainly to attack the S.N.P. for having the temerity to carry out the remedial action which as of today the other three countries have actually followed !

This devolved area of Educational responsibility is one of the few wherein the 4 constituent parts of the UK can be divergent and as such, demonstrates clearly that Scotland and our larger neighbour England are frankly at odds.

Notwithstanding the devolved areas, there is a chasm opening up between the political entities governing the two largest parts of the UK. 

The Tories have started to send their "big guns" (relatively speaking) on forays into Scotland, but notably only on day-trips. Sunak, Gove, Sharma, Patel, Shapps and last but by no means least De Pfeffel Johnson himself.

Notably none of these so called Cabinet Members has been anywhere near a town or city with a population in excess of 5,000 people. Could it be that they are all shy, sensitive individuals who shun publicity?

Now it appears that Bojo, Carrie and Wilfred (aged 4 months) are "camping" somewhere remote in Scotland !  The quote from his former mistress Petronella Wyatt puts that into perspective;

'Boris and Carrie are going to spend part of their Scottish holiday camping,' Petronella tweeted, ‘That will finish off their relationship. Boris can't cook and Carrie only likes deluxe private villas in hot places.’

The fact remains that Boris de Pfeffel Johnson has been on the Scottish equivalent of the "Witness Protection Scheme" in that no one has seen him and if the 5 star Fairmont Hotel constitutes a "camping" holiday then I'm in line for the next Prime Ministership.

Rambling here a bit though as the original point is that; who is free?


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