Boris Johnson has yet again brought the U.K. to the edge of an economic precipice !
The world's highest paid clown has reduced the United Kingdom to a complete laughing stock on the global stage! In planning to over-ride the previously agreed parts of the withdrawal agreement and the specific affect this will have on the Island of Ireland (including the 6 counties) this buffoon is endangering the peace agreement !
If he or more precisely, his puppet master Dominic Cummings, think this will shift the E.U. from the previously agreed position then he is even more stupid than the pictures above show!
Likewise the numpties who own the "Fishing Rights" to the waters around the UK shores. These greedy, self centred fannies will see their support for the Tories in the NE of Scotland wasted as the same Tories will abandon them and their quotas quicker than an eel from their nets.
Greed is the only thing Britain stands for now
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