Thursday, 8 October 2020

"The Horns of a Dilemma" for society !

 Greek philosophy was the root of the expression in the horns of a dilemma. Nonetheless our present day society is most assuredly in the face of such, with the Coronavirus.

The word "dilemma" comes from the Greek for two premises. In this context, perhaps we should say that society today with Covid-19 is in the midst of a "Trilemma" or three premises.

Two very sharp points and really angry animal in between them;

Two points with weight of opinion !

For our population, one horn represents the youth of today and the other one purports to be the OAP's in society. The greater mass in the middle is ostensibly the population in between !

Our dilemma/trilemma is that the future of the youth of today is in danger of being swept aside by a horn, whilst the other horn is in danger of impaling the OAP's !

What then of the great swathe of the population who are in real danger of being crushed by the weight of the pissed off animal in between the sharp pointed bits?

The youth (particularly students !) are being blamed for potentially flouting Covid rules and socialising in the face of an invisible enemy, which is then in danger of transmitting the same hidden enemy to their elderly relatives. 

The virus may not be as terrifying to the youth as it is to the elderly which in turn, exacerbates their youthful frustration at being held in check from the quote in Ecclesiastes "Eat, Drink and be Merry for tomorrow we die! "

The great rump of this disease though, affects the inbetweeners ! Those people with mortgages, debts, families to feed, and with their jobs at risk, due partially to Covid and also a lot to do with a technically advancing society which actually requires fewer bodies (unfortunate choice of word there, mea culpa) to produce the same output!

Meantime the present U.K. Government fritter money away or to quote a well known senior Government source; "Spaffing it up against a wall" on such trivia and frankly irrelevant nonsense as Trident, HS2, Contract awards running into Billions of pounds sterling to companies who are not even registered in the UK (and to rub salt into the wound, are not tendered and evaluated under bona fide rules) 

A final thought for the whingeing tossers complaining about having to curtail their social lives for a couple of weeks !  Your parents and Grandparents put up with so much more for 6 years between 1939-1945 so that you'd have a life, so feckin' get a grip !  You're not being asked to give up more.

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