Thursday, 19 November 2020

The mask slips from Boris !

The "Bonhomie" displayed towards the Scots by Boris Johnson turned quicker than 3 month old milk !

Here he is having a dram of "Uisge Beatha" or Water of Life with his most recent Scottish Leader substitute (to use a footballing analogy since the other eejit in the picture is a UEFA official as well as the latest Scottish Leader).

Subsequently, the P.M. "Doris" Johnson had to take a sickie and self isolate having met with a Tory M.P. who'd been registered as having Covid via the track and trace system run by Baroness Dildo Harding. 

Ironically she too has now had to pull a sickie, ergo it would seem her system does work unlike her!

Enough of the clowns running the Westminster Circus and to return to the head joker the P.M. 

Bojo, in a Zoom meeting with North of England Tory MP's opened his mouth and let his belly rumble to announce that in his opinion, "Devolution had been a disaster for Scotland" and Tony Blair's biggest mistake !

Needless to say this "faux pas" on the clown's part has been greeted with glee amongst we supporters of Independence and incredulity from the ever diminishing band of True Blue Tories in Scotland.

His mask has well and truly slipped and in a bitter sweet irony at a time where mask wearing is almost "de rigeur" on the basis of the Pandemic !

Three cheers for Boris and keep it up !


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