Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Populism or Liberalism? The former is not actually popularity despite the sound of it!

 In the 21st century, the earth is in danger of almost melting with global warming and at the same time separating into two forms of political dogma which are frankly the last thing it needs, since those two forms are diametrically opposite and frankly irreconcilable !

The term "Populist" is not a representation of popularity, despite sounding similar! Populism is on the rise - especially among Europe's right, and in the US, where it helped crown the archetypal populist in Donald Trump. The word is misrepresented especially in Western society, where it is construed as a form of representation of the people !

But there's a difference between being popular and being populist. 

There are populist sentiments on both sides of the political spectrum and if we look at Venezuela there was Chavez, while in Spain there was Podemos both of which are left wing!

Hugo Chavez President of Venezuela

who inspired;

Pablo Iglesias Turrion leader of Spain's "Podemos" Party

In Europe, the term right-wing populism is used to describe groups, politicians and political parties that are generally known for their opposition to immigration, especially from the Islamic World and for Euroscepticism !

Ring any bells in the UK??

Nigel - Britain's epitome of a "populist" politician!

The only plus is that this clown will never get a hold of the reins of power ! 

Oh wait a minute! There is one other clown whose hands are on the reins !

Do you wonder why I'm an avid supporter of "Liberalism?

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