Thursday, 23 July 2020

Prince "Bojo" deigns to meet his serfs !

His Royal Hahoo-ness Boris Johnson is heading to the North of Britain (a.k.a. Scotland) to remind the ungrateful Scots that without the magnanimity of the Tories in London they'd be begging in the street!

When he was editor of the Spectator he published a poem describing Scots as a “verminous” race of “tartan dwarves” who deserve “comprehensive extermination.”

He really is a clown if he thinks for a nano-second that anyone in Scotland with the I.Q. of an ant would prefer him to the First Minister.  Even his slinking Scottish gophers must realise that ! 

Jackson Carlaw, Murdo Fraser, Annie Wells, Michelle Ballantyne and some other total nobodies most of whom and I include Turdo Fraser in this, only got a seat in Holyrood by virtue of the list system.

This balloon is most assuredly the record holder for the most failures in elections, a bit like the team he used to support till they too went bust.

With these clowns as his "Foot Soldiers" then Prince Bojo is going to get skelped in 2021.

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