Monday, 26 October 2020

Marcus will run rings round Fat Doris with and without a ball !


In truth I have no real love for the actions of overpaid football stars, with one exception and as it happens he's also English !

Marcus Rashford M.B.E. is an exceptional individual and I don't mean with his footballing skill, though he has that in abundance!  

His campaign to see the poorer children of the U.K. who by and large, are the ones suffering most from the effects of two disasters (Covid and Brexit) on the doorstep of the Britain, has been inspirational and primarily based on his own experiences during his childhood before football gave him the lifestyle he now enjoys !

"Fat Doris" on the other hand, has shot himself in the foot with an accuracy that even the highly talented and skilful Rashford would give his eye teeth for !

It is a safe bet though that none of Doris' brood of offspring from various paternities will be looking for school meals !!

Though they could be the figures of ridicule for names that are selected directly from the Billy Bunter book of Wizard Wheezes !!

Johnson epitomises the JFK quote with some real numpties in the Tory Party ;

"The worse I do, the more popular I get"

Friday, 23 October 2020

The human race looks over the precipice and hopefully draws back from the edge !

The two bumbling cretins who, (for reasons best known to  Psychiatrists) are leaders of both a superpower and a long since defunct COLONIAL superpower, look to have been found out by their respective public!

A combination of Covid-19 and Brexit has soiled the pants of Boris, while Donald has shown himself to be so out of touch with the reality of Covid-19 and its ramifications for the USA that his nappy is oozing crap!

In truth a combination of those two clowns with their inane political ideas allied to Global Warming truly is disconcerting for the human race!

Donald John Trump and Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson being caned out on their respective lard laden arses and the realisation that the planet is heating up faster than a Guy Fawkes bonfire has been enough for the population with half a brain to see sense !


Tuesday, 20 October 2020

"Liberty when it begins to take root is a plant of rapid growth"

The words of George Washington, the first American President, ring true in Scotland today as much as they did initially intend in the formation of the United States of America in the 18th century!

For those of us with Scottish Nationalist tendencies, events of the period post the 2014 referendum have been a bit of a roller-coaster.

The initial despondency of a relatively sore defeat was tempered by the fact that so many did vote for Independence. However the fact remained that the majority did not and indeed it has to be said that there was an 84.6% turn-out! So much so that the dirty tricks campaign orchestrated by Westminster had to go into overdrive with their "Project Fear"

Six years later and oh how events and circumstances have changed. Those years of Tory misrule have nurtured the plant of Independence with the finest manure that Cameron, May and now the top of the heap, Boris Johnson could summon and that is surely as much shite/manure as any plant needs to thrive !

It will be obvious that I have absolutely no love whatsoever for the Conservative & Unionist Party, but at least the former two gave off the appearance of Government and political gravitas.

The clown in charge of the dis-United Kingdom at this juncture is by any standard, a complete disaster !

There is no real doubt that Bojo wanted to get his picture on the wall of No 10 Downing Street like all the previous Prime Ministers and to that end he has succeeded! 

Obviously though, it will be a formal portrait unlike the one above which shows him in a truer light.

For we Scots though, this last piece of pure unadulterated keeechh (manure/shite in dialect) will be shown to have provided the plant of Scottish Liberty with so much energy and perfect conditions to flourish that we ought to be grateful to the clown for his help.  

Covid and Brexit will be the final nails in his political coffin but the flowering of the Jacobite Rose of Scotland !


Friday, 16 October 2020

The Johnson Family beating the system !

 This "Wife Beating" knobber, Stan the Man Johnson ;

produced this "World Beating" liar from his genes;

To describe these two "beaters" as anything other than misogynistic nonentities with an appalling attitude towards everyone else on the planet but particularly women, is like describing Donald John Trump as a philanthropic genius and saviour of the free world.

It now appears that the "No Deal" Brexit which will only benefit those of Johnson's financial backers who support the principle of Tax Avoidance via Offshore Companies is an odds on certainty !

The only consolation is that this bumbling, buffoon-like branch of the Dutch Elm ridden family tree of the Johnson clan will soon be eliminated in Scotland as we gain our "Independence" from Waste-minster !!

However, I am genuinely worried for my friends on the other side of Hadrian's Wall !

Thursday, 8 October 2020

"The Horns of a Dilemma" for society !

 Greek philosophy was the root of the expression in the horns of a dilemma. Nonetheless our present day society is most assuredly in the face of such, with the Coronavirus.

The word "dilemma" comes from the Greek for two premises. In this context, perhaps we should say that society today with Covid-19 is in the midst of a "Trilemma" or three premises.

Two very sharp points and really angry animal in between them;

Two points with weight of opinion !

For our population, one horn represents the youth of today and the other one purports to be the OAP's in society. The greater mass in the middle is ostensibly the population in between !

Our dilemma/trilemma is that the future of the youth of today is in danger of being swept aside by a horn, whilst the other horn is in danger of impaling the OAP's !

What then of the great swathe of the population who are in real danger of being crushed by the weight of the pissed off animal in between the sharp pointed bits?

The youth (particularly students !) are being blamed for potentially flouting Covid rules and socialising in the face of an invisible enemy, which is then in danger of transmitting the same hidden enemy to their elderly relatives. 

The virus may not be as terrifying to the youth as it is to the elderly which in turn, exacerbates their youthful frustration at being held in check from the quote in Ecclesiastes "Eat, Drink and be Merry for tomorrow we die! "

The great rump of this disease though, affects the inbetweeners ! Those people with mortgages, debts, families to feed, and with their jobs at risk, due partially to Covid and also a lot to do with a technically advancing society which actually requires fewer bodies (unfortunate choice of word there, mea culpa) to produce the same output!

Meantime the present U.K. Government fritter money away or to quote a well known senior Government source; "Spaffing it up against a wall" on such trivia and frankly irrelevant nonsense as Trident, HS2, Contract awards running into Billions of pounds sterling to companies who are not even registered in the UK (and to rub salt into the wound, are not tendered and evaluated under bona fide rules) 

A final thought for the whingeing tossers complaining about having to curtail their social lives for a couple of weeks !  Your parents and Grandparents put up with so much more for 6 years between 1939-1945 so that you'd have a life, so feckin' get a grip !  You're not being asked to give up more.