Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Trump or Biden - The only winner in the UK is Independence for Alba !

The political storm that is engulfing the USA is reverberating across the globe, but especially in the still United (?) Kingdom.

The largest democracy in the free world has been literally tearing itself apart, due in no small part to a Presidential campaign like no other!

The choice is pretty stark in the sense that, Trump epitomises newer values (?) that resonate with unfettered capitalism. Biden on the other hand is alleged (by Trump) to be verging on a communist and in truth neither of them are really what is needed from America in the light of the economic crisis that is a plague (literally) on the human race!

Covid-19 has impacted globally and transformed not just the Presidential Election but the economics of capitalism !

What has this to do with the U.K. ?

In terms of Covid; it is a global pandemic so politically it is an irrelevance which of them gets in, though Trump has shown a buffoon like mentality, to the extent that America leads the world in terms of per capita deaths.

On the other hand while the UK Government purports to hang on to the coat-tails of the much larger party in the "Special Relationship" there is the matter of ;


Trump suggests (but with no guarantees) that the UK and the US would enter into some sort of trade agreement but would want to introduce standards that are at odds with the existing food standards as an example. The question of the NHS is a particularly vexed one insofar that there has been categorical denials (but only from the UK perspective) about the involvement of the sacred cow being offered up to the God of U.S. dollars for a deal.

Biden has definitively stated that the Anglo Irish Accord is the Democrats own sacred cow and with the traditional Irish American lobby being their muscle, Biden will not be dealing with anyone who has the temerity to interfere with it!

Both of which bodes ill for the "special relationship" when the almost inevitable "No Deal Brexit" comes to pass. 

Britain will have left the E.U. like "Johnny No Mates" in terms of those to whom we've been linked for over 40 years in Europe and those to whom we've ostensibly had a special relationship since they deliberately threw the tea into the harbour declaring "No Taxation without Representation" circa 1776.

Alba though will seek to gain Independence and it is almost inevitable as a consequence, rejoin the EU. The one area in which we too might upset the Yanks is by tossing Trident out of our country, but we can live without that monstrosity in Scotland !!

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