Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Dildo Harding spaffs more money on Test & Trace £37 Billion is more than the entire Scottish annual budget £34 Billion on her failed system!

"Baroness" Diane Mary Harding of Winscombe (Dido) to her cronies, with her husband John Penrose a Conservative M.P.  (Quelle surprise!).  

The redoubtable Dido has form in terms of spending public cash on flogging "Dead Horses"  and that ironically since she was a Champion jockey, and that her biggest gaff to date (prior to this "Test & Trace" fiasco) was Talk Talk mobile phones which rumbled up a bill for £60+ million. 

One of her other "attributes" considering where it is thought the UK dropped the ball at the start of the Covid 19 crisis in 2020 was allowing the Cheltenham Racing Festival to proceed at a time when social distancing was a dilemma for Sage!  

Surprise, surprise ! Who has a board position at the Jockey Club responsible for the festival?  Yes you guessed it "Dido" Harding!

Not that I'm suggesting that her rise to prominence had anything to do with links to the Tory Party or that her appointments were down to that allied to having studied at Magdalen College alongside David Cameron. 

          Aye Right you are Dido !!!

For those "Unionists"  here in Scotland, I am suggesting that this is a glaring example of Tory "Chumocracy" and the very idea that this "Union" is one of equality based on fairness is ludicrous bordering on insanity !  The choice is yours in May and it is more about your children than yourselves.

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