Thursday, 11 March 2021

Politics and Football are a poisonous cocktail !

The Scottish Parliament
Parlamaid na h-Alba

There are times in life when utter despair overwhelms you! This despair I hasten to add has nothing really to do with my personal life. In that respect things could not be better! 

  • I have the love of my life in Wilma.
  • I have a beautiful house without a mortgage in a city and region which I truly adore!
  • We're comfortable enough financially, so won't starve.
  • We're not too physically constrained despite being Septuagenarians.
So why the angst I hear you ask?  There are literally millions in the UK who are not a tenth so lucky as Bunty and I are.

The answer is politics in SCOTLAND !! 

For some 65 years Scotland has avoided a Tory Government here, yet have been anchored/manacled to various blends of them in Westminster and I include the form of Labour that has been in effect Tory Light with a form of socialism that Keir Hardy most assuredly would not recognise !

A couple of years or so ago it was looking like a "shoo-in" for Independence ! We had a defeat in 2014 but only on the basis of "Project Fear" from Westminster telling the electorate that their pensions were at risk if they voted to leave the UK, but events subsequently had shown this to be absolute nonsense and to be frank about it; lies, damned lies and bent statistics!

Where does football come into this? A fair question were it not for the lunacy that pervades Scottish Football especially in the largest city Glasgow.  There are two clubs in Glasgow that frankly exude mutual hatred and is based on religion.

Celtic           equals Roman Catholicism with hints of Irish extraction.
Rangers       equals Orange Protestantism with loyalist inclinations.

To the central point of this blog !  

The tribal nonsense emanating from both sides in Glasgow is endangering freedom for Scotland by the vast majority of Rangers fans clinging to so called "Loyalism" to the crown and the Union Jack whilst declaring themselves to be anti-Independence despite the fact that their livelihoods' are most assuredly not going to be enhanced by the likes of Boris Johnson and his right  wing band of crooks.  

Whilst at the same time the Celtic fans are adamant that Nicola Sturgeon is tacitly supporting Rangers by not hammering them for the crowd scenes last weekend and as such they won't be voting for her on that basis. 

It beggars belief that working class fans of both sides are so blind to the impact of control by a frankly obscenely biased Tory Party that they'd prefer to metaphorically "Cut off their noses to spite their faces"

At 74 years of age I'm unlikely to see past another decade or so, but this has an impact on all of their futures and those of their off-spring's .

Leave the football crap on the football pitch this is about your future !

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