Saturday, 25 July 2020

More Cock and Bull than Cock-a-Leekie at Baxter's hideaway for Boris

Bojo decided to face the "Jocks" to try to stem the tide of movement towards Independence, by flying north in another catastrophically misjudged political campaign.

The trip to the North of Britain (Scotland) was heralded by the lackey press as being his way of appealing directly to the Scots to stay in the Union. 

The pilot of his aircraft must have flunked navigation during training, as Bojo and he, seemed to have perceived the Orkney Islands and Morayshire as the centres of population in Scotland.

The highlight of this momentous trip to the hinterland had to be a gathering of Scottish political nonentities power standing with His Royal Hahooness outside the only bastion of Tory-ism in Scotland, Baxter's Food Factory in Fochabers. 

It is suggested that the staff at the factory were sent home and only maintenance staff were at the plant.
The Tory advance guard went to Edinburgh to meet their electorate;

Bojo the chief clown had the crabs in Stromness since he didn't even visit Kirkwall on this charm offensive. "Offensive" being the operative word in this context;

In a Premiership which has been marked with more accuracy of "Shooting oneself in the foot" moments than would qualify for a gold medal at Bisley for Boris, His Royal Hahooness has his 1st anniversary at the helm and my pain goes to my genuinely kind and considerate English friends who will be stuck with this turkey !

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Prince "Bojo" deigns to meet his serfs !

His Royal Hahoo-ness Boris Johnson is heading to the North of Britain (a.k.a. Scotland) to remind the ungrateful Scots that without the magnanimity of the Tories in London they'd be begging in the street!

When he was editor of the Spectator he published a poem describing Scots as a “verminous” race of “tartan dwarves” who deserve “comprehensive extermination.”

He really is a clown if he thinks for a nano-second that anyone in Scotland with the I.Q. of an ant would prefer him to the First Minister.  Even his slinking Scottish gophers must realise that ! 

Jackson Carlaw, Murdo Fraser, Annie Wells, Michelle Ballantyne and some other total nobodies most of whom and I include Turdo Fraser in this, only got a seat in Holyrood by virtue of the list system.

This balloon is most assuredly the record holder for the most failures in elections, a bit like the team he used to support till they too went bust.

With these clowns as his "Foot Soldiers" then Prince Bojo is going to get skelped in 2021.

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Slavery and the role of the Establishment in the "Empire"

The death of George Floyd at the hands of an American Policeman has been the touchstone for protests over the predominantly Western World.

This lit the flame that became BLM or "Black Lives Matter" and this triggered a reaction in the UK focussing on known slave traders from these shores. The reaction in the UK tended to revolve around a statue of Edward Colston in Bristol initially.

Mob mentality took over the protesting crowds and the statue eventually was hauled down and unceremoniously dumped into Bristol harbour.

I do not under any circumstances subscribe to the defence of Colson, or indeed any of the other "Slave Traders" such as Sir Francis Drake, Henry Dundas, Thomas Guy & Robert Peel snr. All of these and many more, made fortunes out of slavery and the misery it wrought on the people enslaved.

However, the point of this small rant is to point out that none of them could have made their mark on this insidious trade without the help and practical assistance of lawyers and a legal system which permitted banking their profits and retaining what in effect was their human property  

The most horrific example of this was a shipping case in law in 1784 where a ship "The Zong" sailing from West Africa in 1781, when in order to allegedly protect the crew from depleted supplies whilst in the "Doldrums" in mid Atlantic; the Captain (Collingwood) jettisoned some of the cargo (slaves) by throwing them overboard to drown !!

The commercial law allowed the cargo owners to make an "Insurance" claim against the loss of the slaves.


The N.H.S. is up for grabs thanks to Tory greed and Trump economics

The whole Brexit saga was and still is, predicated on the alleged bountiful supply of free market contracts that the faded Empire/Tory Party would garner by escaping the clutches of the European Union.

This commercial Nirvana seems to be receding at the speed of light with events overtaking Bojo quicker than Lewis Hamilton !

Notwithstanding the global commercial shake up with the pandemic of Covid-19, the worst American President in that countries relatively short history, has stuck his oar of financial acumen into the mix.

God save the friends and relatives we have in England as Trump coerces Boris Johnson into including the NHS contracts into any negotiations between the U.S.A. and what is left of GB. While totally "Rubber Ducking" any relationship between the People's Republic of China and England by Trump's insisting that Huawei are kicked out of the 5G infrastructure provision.  Johnson has obviously forgotten the existing tradelinks between China and the UK in terms of energy.

Saturday, 18 July 2020

There is absolutely no justification for calling your dog "Nigger" it is offensive in extremis !

Wing Commander Guy Gibson; VC; DSO & Bar; DFC & Bar was rightly recognised as a true hero of the second world war and the awards above amply demonstrate his heroism. 

However, the Royal Air Force themselves have seen fit to remove the headstone erected at RAF Scampton in memory of his pet Labrador that died on the same night he and his Squadron were carrying out the memorable "Dambusters" raid in the Ruhr valley, and replace it with one that does not refer to the name "Nigger"

For once I actually applaud the RAF for its sensitivity.

Thursday, 16 July 2020

"Wafting" willow by windy "Wally's" against the Windies

First and foremost I am a Celtic football fan and have had that pleasure for over 55 years.

However, there is also a part of me that enjoys the sound of "leather on willow". This stems from the sojourn in Mother India when volunteering at Mother Teresa's in Delhi.

My political Nationalist tendencies do not preclude my support for our near neighbours in England, when they are involved in a test match with the possible exception of matches against India.

The 2nd test then against the Windies better improve from an England perspective as they're 3 wickets down before there's a century on the board.

Pleasure then, when despite the Corona virus pandemic; England and the West Indies have resumed test cricket albeit without the fans. My support for England undimmed by the political gulf at present though!

So come on England !!!

End of day 1 and England have remustered to 207 for 3, with Dominic the "The Vicar of Sibley" on 87 and Ben Stokes on 59.  That's more like it England.

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

Boris cancels his Chinese meal for a US Hamburger courtesy of Trump

I'm sure that everyone knows that I have no sympathy for Bojo and his gang of incompetents. Ergo you might be surprised to know that I actually have a modicum of it since the announcement that the UK is going to cancel the Huawei 5G contract.

The irony of Trump pulling Boris' strings is like a puppet being operated by a tangerine, and when it's added onto the absolute carnage of the pandemic and Brexit this is too much even for the Eton toff.

In simple terms Bojo has really "rubber-ducked" the United Kingdom.

Brexit is heading for a no-deal exit over the white cliffs of Dover, with promises of a myriad of trade deals with countries all over the globe pleading with the UK to be allowed to access our markets and vice versa to theirs, is more pie in the sky then a Fray Bentos tin of steak and kidney.

Throw into this recipe (for disaster); the Covid-19 pandemic and you have a headlong dash to financial melt-down.

Arch clown Trump appears to have really thrown a spanner into the works by personally instructing Bojo to cancel the 5G contract with Huawei. I'm willing to bet that it was "do it or else any deal with the Yanks goes down the Swanee River". 

Since Bojo has already ensured that there is no deal with the E.U. and that is that.

  • A crap deal with a shyster who would have made more money putting what he had into the bank but instead has filed more bankruptcies than you can shake a stick at.
  • Who plays golf more then most professionals!
  • A massive fall-out with the country that owns an awful lot of the UK's energy, including nuclear and offshore oil and who are now very, very angry with the UK. 

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

The shame of Iraq and the Western Alliance war on WMD

I watched with absolute horror last night as the documentary unfolded.

"Once upon a time in Iraq" is the very brutal truth about the disintegration of an entire country because of the greed of both Britain and the USA for oil. 

It is noticeable that the level of contracts to rebuild the oil infrastructure that the allies destroyed went to a company headed by Bush's cohorts and are we surprised?

The two "leaders" pictured above, ought to be charged with war crimes for the act of invading a country on the pretence of destroying so called "Weapons of Mass Destruction".  The reality of the invasion was the acquisition of the oilfields in Iraq.

The Allied version of justice is less civil than we are led to believe.

The idea of playing "Baseball" in a palace that is older than your country is verging on obscene and further damns the interference of the so called civilised west to countries and culture infinitely older and more civilised than that which spawns the players (?).

Watch the series on BBC2 but be prepared to be upset and frankly disgusted by a super power and it's gopher.

Monday, 13 July 2020

Gove at odds with "Doris" (seemingly??)

I've made it abundantly clear more often than not, that I've an overwhelming desire to knock seven bells out of this little "illegitimate" short-arse ex Gordonian from Aberdeen, and his latest sycophantic suggestion that "Good Manners" in England will suffice in terms of the wearing of masks in shops has done nothing to curb my desire.
Two "Dicks" and a "Fanny"

Doris appears to be heading towards making the wearing mandatory, but will hold off for a couple of days. Gove the illegitimate one on the left above suggests otherwise!

In a none too subtle dig at the Scottish First Minister who had beaten the UK Government to the draw with our having made it mandatory to wear a mask unless you have a medical condition preventing you from doing so! The weasel and his boss Doris are once again laying the responsibility of the virus back onto the innocent English public by implying it is their responsibility to decide whether or not to wear a mask. If it goes "belly up" and there is an increase in covid cases south of the border then the "Dynamic Duo" will merely imply that the public hadn't had enough good manners.

I've never hidden the fact that I long for a left of centre governed Scotland, but I truly feel for the millions of stalwart English people who do not have a way out of this morass unless they too push for the UK to be broken up. This is without a shadow of doubt the worst ever Government in the history of democracy.